réalisation d’œuvre d’art


Work of Art : Mauger Tilsitt – Gunzburg Hotel, Paris (75) – 2016



Creation / Vincent Mauger
Design engineering / Fabrication / Installation / Métalobil

Project Management / Volume ABC
Contracting owner / Groupama

Photo Credit / © Vincent Mauger and © Métalobil




Groupama, the owner of one of the twelves Maréchaux hotels, located on the 7 Tilsitt street, 17th district of Paris, wanted to invite an artist to enhance the court of honor, as part of the enhancement of its asset in collaboration with Anne Charlet and Volume ABC.

The artist Vincent Mauger and Métalobil took this opportunity to collaborate again.



Vincent Mauger says: «In a very stylized way, the structure evokes a vegetal form as a virgin grapevine, an ivy or a wisteria.».

It is composed of 178 aluminum tubes, 383 aluminum and mirror polished stainless steel scales.


Métalobil research department realized all technical studies (sizing, operating weight, wind and snow calculations, stress of joints, etc.). Métalobil workshop realized then the prototypes in order to demonstrate those calculations and to assist client in its choices, before manufacturing the structure and install it in its environment.




A few numbers:
6.5m high
5.5m wide
178 aluminum tubes
383 aluminum and mirror polished stainless steel scales




Download the press release here.